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PLUNGER - also known as the "French Press" or "Bodum".

This infusion method of brew preparation can yield a great cup if prepared well. Do not be shy with the coffee grounds!

  1. Heat up your plunger with warm water in advance. Pour out water once warm and dry your plunger pot.
  2. Boil freshly drawn water – use filtered water/mineral water if desired: water quality is paramount to an excellent cup.
  3. Use 1 heaped tablespoon of Bean Addiction coffee grounds (medium coarseness) per cup. Using more grounds will prevent an insipid cup.
  4. Pour small amount hot water (just below boiling) over coffee grounds and stir briefly. Then pour remaining hot water & stir again. Use only enough water for the amount of cups you plan to serve immediately. Allow to infuse for up to 4 min.
  5. Use lid mesh to slowly press grounds down. Serve as desired. Do not store.
* Xtra tip: Add tiny pinch of salt to coffee grounds - can further enhance taste.
"Actually, this seems to be the basic need of the human heart in nearly every great crisis - a good hot cup of coffee."
~Alexander King